Dancing, skating, swimming, tobogganing, pick-up hockey, hiking.....(the list can go on and on) all have potential to get you moving, but also help to create a lasting, and hopefully, fun memory for most of us.
Adding some physical activity.... well it can make things fun. It can make things memorable. It can turn a typical day, event, gathering into a memory that connects people for years.
For example, at a BBQ many years ago, myself and two others were waiting for the rest of our friends to show. I didn't know these two people very well and conversation was awkward. As we got bored waiting we decided to cross the street to the park. We brought along a soccer ball and Frisbee. To make things more fun (or simply more complicated) someone had the brilliant idea of passing the soccer ball and throwing the frisbee at the same time. Soon we were running, kicking, tossing and laughing our heads off. We were good friends from that day forward. And, to this day, we still talk about that afternoon... usually with a big grin on our faces.
Another example given to me from a neighbor. He talked about how some his best memories as a kid was swimming and playing in the lake with his dad. Those memories mean a lot to him, so much so, he wants to create them for his own kids as they grow up. The are often at the local pool on the weekends.
BBQs, family gatherings, neighborhood get- togethers, special events at work or school are all perfect opportunities to add some physical activity and some fun. Being active adds to the event, helps to establish and create stronger bonds between people. They also help to create lasting memories.
So perhaps at your next event leave the camera at home and bring some ideas to be active... I bet you the memory of the day will stick around a lot longer.