New Ways of Thinking to Get People Moving: Using positive health to rethink workplaces and play
May 1st- Edmonton
May 3rd- Calgary
May 1st- Edmonton
May 3rd- Calgary
This year, our forum offers a dynamic and timely presentation by Dr. Grant Schofield, who will outline some fresh, exciting ways to see the world and get it moving again! The main focus will be looking at new ways to get adults moving in their workplaces and children moving in our neighbourhoods.
Drawing upon his knowledge of positive psychology and positive health, Dr. Schofield will outline different ideas and approaches that can help people flourish. Dr. Schofield is Professor of Public Health at Auckland University of Technology (AUT) in Auckland, New Zealand. He founded and directs the Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition at AUT.
Be sure to share this link (2012 Physical Activity Forum) with your peers, contacts and networks! If you have an e-newsletter, events calendar, or other communications vehicles (e.g., social media), please add the Forum event to your postings.
Thank you, and see you at the Forum!