Sometimes, we forget that physical activity is really just our body moving. We tend to always think about planned physical activity such as a walking club, being in a fitness centre or riding a bike in the park. Of course these are important, however, any opportunity for people to move, can be beneficial. And sometimes we can find opportunities to do this not in traditional physical activity programs or activities.
Here is an example for you.
I have the immense pleasure with being involved in a community garden in my neighbor hood. A lot of blood, sweat and tears has gone in to make sure the garden was open for its first year this May. So far things have been going pretty smoothly.
I got involved in the garden because I love plants, and I have this itch to dig around in the earth. I get rather excited to watch things grow.
I have learned rather quickly that a community garden it 80% dealing with logistics and people and only 20% gardening.
One of the issues we have struggled with (and I assume many other gardens do too) is water. We have two gigantic water barrels, and we collect water off the roof of a neighboring church. This however means that to water one’s plot you have to walk back and forth with your watering can at least 3 times to sufficiently water your plot. Perhaps more if it’s been super dry.
So of course, as humans do best, we look at ways to make this easier… "Let’s try a hose!" Oh, hmm, a hose doesn’t reach all the plots, and the water pressure is horrible. "Perhaps we can move the rain barrels?" Oh, hmm, they are ridiculously heavy and really there isn't better spot to collect as much water. "Hmmmmmm…" And debate rages on.
Of course being the “active living “person in the crowd I began pondering the logic in trying to make things easier. Our inconvenient watering system is actually a perfect opportunity for some accidental exercise.
Accidental exercise?? Well I am referring to the exercise the pops into your day- not from plans of going for a workout… but simply through living. It may be walking to and from work. It may be while you are shopping. It may be house chores, it may be shoveling snow… and it may be while you lug watering cans back and forth from your garden plot to the rain barrels that are 50 feet away.
So.. .why do I tell you all this? Consider some of your community initiatives and programs. They may not have anything to do with physical activity… but… perhaps there are some ways you can incorporate or keep some “accidental exercise” hidden in there. How, can you help people move just a little bit more?
Yup.. I think I am going to encourage us to keep the water system as is.
I love the words you use, Angela..."accidental exercise". When exercise comes naturally, individuals are more likely to take part in it, especially those who are just starting out and have been quite sedentary for a while. Thanks for sharing your garden story. It makes me not dread staining my deck so much and reminds me that I am getting some physical activity at the same time.